Friday, October 23, 2015

Hurricane Watch {Again}

We are on hurricane watch --- again.  Not for our little corner of the world, but for the Mexico region that is bracing for Hurricane Patricia. The strongest hurricane in recording history...
200 mph sustained winds and gusts up to 250 mph...
cancelled flights at Puerto Vallarta...
no power & medical complications. 
We are praying for this region.
Dan & I took Jacqueline on a family vacation & graduation celebration to Puerto Vallarta for her high school graduation in 2004.  We had been out of the country only one other time (mission trip to Japan), so the Mexico trip was only the 3 of us.
After missing our connecting flight in Mexico City and being stranded at the airport for 8 hours, we finally made it to Puerto Vallarta close to midnight our first day there. After getting settled in, we had a good time and it was a good family vacation. We stayed at a resort in Nuevo Vallarta
(just a few miles from Puerto Vallarta) on Banderas Bay. 

Here's a glimpse of a storm moving in while we were there.  Although it looked ominous then, I'm sure it does not compare to the approaching storm now.  The Sierra Madres will most likely provide somewhat of protection during Patricia, but how much?

And so now ... 11 years later ... we are on hurricane watch for the Banderas Bay that had been our family vacation home for one week in 2004.  When we flew out of Puerto Vallarta to come back home, our airplane was a very small one... it seemed we had not even gotten off the runway until we were flying over the Sierra Madres. It was a bit unnerving for me back then (not being much of a flyer)...
but today I pray for that same mountain range to be God's shield of protection
for the people and region of Puerto Vallarta.



Theresa said...

I am praying for that region also! Beautiful pictures from your visit there! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Karen said...

I am thankful that the damage was not as bad as expected. Scary storm, for sure. Praying people will be safe with the heavy rain that comes with it.

Buttercup said...

So glad the storm didn't live up to its expectations. Thanks so much for visiting Buttercup's. I hope you will stop by often.