Wednesday, December 1, 2010

It's December ... Already?????

To quote a famous philosopher "I cannot believe it!" ... December ... already???? (Okay, so the 'famous philosopher' is actually Quincy from Disney's Little Einstein's -- yes, Granny quotes Disney often)

I had every intention to write more, organize more and read more.  But, "the best-laid schemes go astray"  (Robert Burn's poem "To a Mouse")  Oh my, I'm on a roll here with quotes, so maybe I'd better just make this a short post.  (I'm so very glad you agree with me.)

I really don't know where this year has gone.  I've told several people that it seems that time goes by faster with having a grandchild in the house than it did when the future Mrs 'Joe was growing up.  (I guess that just means that Granddad & Granny are getting older ... and hopefully wiser.) 

So tonight I just want to post a few pictures of our time with Lucy over the past couple of months.  Gracious, it seems like just yesterday the 'Joes were bringing her home from the hospital.     

And now ...

Making Halloween cookies

Of course Granddad had to help with icing & sprinkles

"I'm so sorry, Granddad. This cookie is just for Lucy!"

Lucy loves rockin' with her gourds!

Even Lucy needs a break from Rockin' out so hard.
"Did you see me a-rockin', Granny?"

If you are a grandparent, then you know how valuable our time is with our grandchildren.
If you are a soon-to-be grandparent, you will soon realize just how valuable our time is with our grandchildren.

Gracious ... it really is December!

1 comment:

Sheila Atchley said...

WHAT an absolute CUTIE!

::lays hand on heart::

She is just so adorable. What a GIFT, to have her there in your home with you.

Be blessed...mightily.