For the past couple of weekends, Dan and I have been "empty-nesters". It's a totally new concept for us as we normally have a house filled with 3 generations -- with us being the "oldest" generation. But, so many positive events have occurred over the past few weeks with the 'Joe family. Not to bore anyone with details {at least not for this post} ... but the 'Joe family is in transition to his next "station" for his medical treatment and then on to medical retirement.
{If you are a new-ish reader, you can find several of my posts from February 2012 and forward regarding how our son-in-law was wounded in action when our grandson was 11 days old and our granddaughter was not only a new big sister but then suddenly a child of a wounded warrior}.
So, here is a glimpse of some pictures to show how Lucy & Tag are getting accustomed to living on a military post
(other than Walter Reed Hospital) ...
Within July they will have their permanent housing all situated and we will settle into a routine. Dan & I are so thankful that they are within driving distance from us and that they will soon be able to begin their own family life. Lucy will still have her activities close to home -- church and dance -- so she will stay with us for parts of each week ... so we're really hoping to see Tag come back home for sleepovers and time with us too.
And ... for the past couple of weekends as "semi empty-nesters", we have had some time to get some projects done that have been put on hold for a while ...
I know ... I know ... our front and backyards sure don't look very pretty --- and power-washing decks & sidewalks just isn't as exciting as going to the community post pool, but --- Granny & Grandad will have to ease our way into this empty-nest stuff. And we do have plenty of projects that we really need to catch-up on. We're learning that we cannot do everything all at once. So, I do hope to find more time for writing my posts as well as reading my dear friends' posts too.
It all will come in baby steps for us.
It all will come in baby steps for us.
{PS ... Just to let you know, life on the military post isn't all "sunshine and pool days". As I write this, the little ones have been to a couple of their Daddy's doctors appointments already today. Sometimes our daughter needs to go with him, so the kids will need to go along as well. That is one drawback to them being even a couple of hours away from us. Once they get settled into a permanent housing situation, then I will be able to help out during some of the major appointments. And I'm sure they will also meet new friends once they are settled too.}