Saturday, November 17, 2012

Hello New Friend ... Instagram

Last month Granny ventured into the 21st century ...

I got an iPhone

When I got my Blackberry in January 2011, I thought it was pretty smart ... 
but not like this iPhone I have now!

I can take better quality pics
I can share them in social media easier
I can get some pretty awesome apps

One such app is Instagram.  It may be "old hat" (so to speak) to many of you, but it is new to me. (Remember, I'm just now joining the 21st century.)  I can take a picture from the iPhone and instantly edit it on Instagram ... then I can share it on Facebook, Twitter, email, etc. 

I've shared several pictures on Facebook recently.  So now I want to share them on this blog & preserve them for Lucy & Tag to see when they are old enough to read every word their Granny has written on here ... 
okay, well maybe their children or grandchildren will read every single word 
from Granny :)

So, if you Instagram ... 
look me up & we can share some treasured pictures ... 
or just some ordinary ones too.

I have some questions on how to (or if I can) upload to Instagram ... 
maybe you can help Granny progress deeper into the 21st century :)


Doris said...

Oh, Granny, you will not get help from me! I have an iphone (an older one) but I confess to not knowing much about what it can do. My son is my connection to the stuff which is beyond this old brain =)I always enjoy your photos, by the way!!

Wishing you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Susan said...

Doris, I wish I could ask my daughter since she is savvy on these smartphones too, but she has a Droid. I just always thought I would only use the phone if I needed it but here I am getting all sorts of apps for it -- and just working my way through them!

Thanks for stopping by & Happy Thanksgiving to you & yours :)