Monday, October 29, 2018

I Know a Guy ...

For the past year I've been researching a guy.
(Yes, I know that sounds stalky and creepy, but hang in here with me.)
The more I've researched ... the more I want to learn about him ---
he is made up of simplicity and complexity ... 
he studies every detail of even the most intricate mechanisms ...
he ponders how God moves clouds ...
he is compassionate and sensitive and reserved.
This guy is a body-slammer ... yet a touch-cringer.
He's in constant motion ... yet is motion sensitive.
He stumbles over words ... yet is articulate beyond his years.
He's sensitive to unexpected touches ... yet craves hugs from people he trusts.
He seems distant and inattentive ... yet recites past conversations.

This guy cringes at dirt & mess ... yet flourishes on outside time in nature.
He is challenged in learning new motor skills ... yet builds complex structures with no printed design.
He's cautious on risk-taking activities ... yet thrives on body-crashing into his pads.
He is startled by sudden motion behind him ... yet calculates his next mischievous sneak on others.
He's overwhelmed at lights and noise and crowds ... yet is a devoted Walt Disney World fan.
I admit that I was skeptical ... cynical ... and just plain ol' judgmental when I first heard
Sensory Processing Disorder
Some of the things that came out of my mouth ::::
"what in the world will people come up with next" ...
"he's a boy -- he'll grow out of it" ...
"he needs to toughen up" ...
But then ... the more I read, the more I understood what I didn't understand (crazy, huh?).  It was almost like "this stuff" actually contradicted itself and everything that I had
predetermined in my mind-set to be true and acceptable.
I still have so many questions about Sensory Processing Disorder. So there's more research, observing and learning in my future. But, one thing that has made a complete difference is my acceptance
This guy is my "who" and my "why" to continue studying SPD. 
And with such a handsome grandson ...
why wouldn't I want to know more on SPD so that I can know more of him?
I would love to hear if anyone else has experience with Sensory Processing Disorder. 
Please feel free to leave me a comment!
Have a blessed week, my friend!

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Turning Distractions into Disciplines

Sometimes life just happens
and the words simply do not come...
Circumstances seem to dampen
and my keyboard appears to be done.
But in that instant when I hear His whisper
I'll give you My words just follow My lead
These words are not mine as He is the Gifter
Of all that I have and will ever need.
"Granny" @ Love Granny BlogSpot, January 18, 2018
Do you ever get in a slump like that? I confess that mine comes around more than I like.
I have always loved writing ... but the dishes in the sink need attention ---
I have always loved photography ... but the upstairs rooms need to be straightened up ---
I have always enjoyed reading my blogging-friends' posts ... but there's 15 other things to do first ---
(and now trying to write this post, I get several text messages from our insurance company reminding me that Dan's prescription needs refilled)
It really never ends, does it?
But I'm learning...
I re-training myself to not look at the "distractions"
but rather to see them more of "disciplines"
I hesitate to say this, but perhaps it's one of God's creative disciplines to help me take my next step...
I'm in the process of creating another blog site.  It's been on my heart for several months and I even have the site ... just no posts --- yet.  There's been several "distractions" of 2017 that I have just started looking at through God's vision of "disciplines".  He has carried my family through some deep valleys and also to the mountain tops in 2017 ...
and He is always faithful.

I pray that 2018 will be the year of discarding the "distractions"
and turning them into "disciplines" to help each of us move from our "point A"
and into "God's point" where He needs us to be.
I'll keep you updated on my new endeavor ...
please pray that I will follow God's direction & His words as I venture into a new blog-site for His glory.