Tuesday, August 12, 2014

My Reflection Week

Seems like this time of the year I tend to be a little quieter ... yeah, I go about my daily routines, conversations & everyday life ... but to be perfectly honest, this is probably one of the most reflective weeks I have every year.  My husband has seen me through the past 30 years of
"this week" every August.
And I'm everso reminded that "this week" will be "the week" for so many others who experience the freshness of loss within the past few days.  One of Dan's friends and music buddies has lost his dad just in the past few days ... one of our friends from our former church ministry lost her mother on the same day ... and the world has experienced the loss of all of our loved actor Robin Williams.
This week I reflect ...
on God's goodness
on God's faithfulness
on God's graciousness
It's especially during this week that I see God's glory as I reflect
on family ... on relationships ... on legacies ...
My hope is for my future generations to value their relationships just as I was brought up to do.  That's why this week has always been the reflective week for me just as I'm sure it is for my family.  This year is the 34th year ...
my beloved Aunt was met at Heaven's gates by His nail-scarred hands. She's the reason I do not drink alcohol nor does my family.  My daughter carries her name and (I know) some of her characteristics. She is missed daily ... she is celebrated always.  This week marks the date of her car wreck (August 15) ... and the date of her birthday (August 18) which is also the day we said our earthly good-byes to her.
I know it's a tough week to get through for so many in my family ... especially my Mother.  So, my sweet blogging friends, please say a little prayer for her this week. 
And please remember those who have experienced loss this week ---
we never know what even a small prayer will do for them.
My Granny & her girls -- my Mother sitting on her lap. Aunt Hilda is last on right.

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