Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Living in God's Grace in 2013

As 2013 comes to an end and 2014 begins, it's a reminiscing yet contemplating time ... taking a look back yet looking forward to what the new year may hold.  Over the past few days I've changed this post a few times -- but no matter what I had written, the theme is always the same ...

God is good
God is gracious
God is generous

God is simply enough.

So, here's a look back at how God's grace brought our family through 2013 ...
Tag had a sick-stay in the hospital the last few days of 2012 and  made it home on 
New Year's Eve just in time to ring in 2013 (well, he was actually asleep -- but at least he was home & not in the hospital). 

He was anxious to see his big sister at home!  Oh, and I almost forgot ---
Tag started walking soon after he came home from the hospital -- our house will never be the same :)

And on February 9th we celebrated
Thomas Alexander's FIRST birthday!!!

... and we celebrated Mrs. 'Joe & Mr. 'Joe's birthdays too in February --- 
{and 'Joes birthday is also his Alive Day -- the day God protected his life from the enemy rockets that were meant to kill him ... 
puts a whole new perspective on birthdays in our family}

We said our final earthly good-bye to my dear Uncle Larry in early March. He had a stroke in late February & found peace in the nailed-scarred hands of Jesus 11 days later.  We miss him dearly but he has joined many other of our family -- what a reunion! 
I can still hear him singing Wayfaring Stranger acapella ... 
Godspeed Uncle Larry -- we will see you again.

This is also the birthday month of my favorite person ...

From 1984 to 2013 ...
22 years old to 51 years old ...
My guy.

{I will add this about my husband ... in the midst of his very busy tax season at work, he took the time off to drive me to my Uncle's funeral in my hometown 7 hours away from us.  We had a major snow storm in our area with about 7-9 inches of snow on Wednesday, but Dan & I left on Thursday March 7 at 5pm and went to the funeral on Friday at 11am ... left to come back home at 3pm and got home around 10:30pm ... then he was up by 6am and getting to work on Saturday the 9th which was also his 51st birthday.  And he worked every day straight until April 15th ...  I dearly love this man.}

Easter Sunday was March 31st.  At preschool Lucy & her class made the story of Easter by using plastic Easter eggs.  If you haven't read my post about this, 
please CLICK HERE to read how one little girl retold the Easter promise to me.


My parents have always had a special relationship with our daughter ... and now with our grandchildren. They drove over an hour to see Lucy's dancing debut at her recital.

Her group danced to The Muppet Show theme ...

Lucy also completed her first year of preschool!!! Grandad & I are so proud of how she adjusted to school times and met new friends.  Her teachers loved her & she grew -- not only academically but emotionally, socially and most importantly ... spiritually.  This little girl has seen so much "life" in her short time on earth, and she is truly my role model.
(Pic on left is 1st day of preschool in Sept '12 and on right is last day of preschool in
 June '13)

Lucy also went back to Walter Reed to help The General's Kids give some Little Warriors' care packages. Our own Little Warrior has a heart of gold ...

... and then Lucy had a dance photo-shoot. Her dance studio specifically requested if she could be a model!

I turned 49 in 2013 ... it marked my exit from my
Silent Milestone (CLICK HERE to read more)
Have I ever mentioned how blessed I am??? I sure don't do it enough ...

Lucy turned a whole hand-full in September -- FIVE years old!!! Oh my ... what can Granny really say about this little girl?  Again, God is sooooooo gracious & so good to us.  Lucy has a heart of gold for others & she brightens up everybody she is around.

My girl ... Lucy ... my girl ... talkin' about my girl ... Lucy ... 
my girl!!!

Lucy found herself in the middle of a surprise birthday party at Stuffy Bear --
it was so very sweet to surprise this little girl with her friends coming to a special party just for her!

... and Tag had a blast with GG, Grandpa, Aunt Sarah and of course his Grandad!

Then ... Tag got sick (again).  Exactly 20 months from his birth, I took Lucy back to the hospital to see her baby brother. When Tag gets sick, he has a tendency to run extremely high fevers.  So, he spent a little time in the hospital for the nice doctors & nurses to help him feel better.  And big sister's visit was just what he needed to feel better!

A couple of weeks later, Lucy got to meet some of her out-of-state family ...

... and her 92 year old Great-Great Mommaw!!!

God is so good
God is so gracious
God is so generous

We celebrated Thanksgiving at my parents' house --

... and planned on having the family at our house for Christmas.  But on December 12th, my Daddy had a heart attack.  God was looking after him every moment leading up to the heart attack and afterwards.  Daddy was literally in the "right place at the right time" -- although he wasn't "supposed" to be there at all.  So, Christmas was celebrated at GG & Grandpa's -- well, minus Tag & his Daddy since Tag was sick.

And we all are going to GG & Grandpa's tomorrow (New Year's Day) to see them & 
let Tag have his Christmas with them.  Everyone is so very thankful for our Christmas miracle ... it truly brings the real meaning of Christmas into perspective.  

Our 2013 has been a time of stretching, molding, refining, redefining.  
Although we have no clue as to what 2014 will bring, one thing we do know for certain ...

God is already at 2014 for us.  
He will lead the way ... 
He will direct our paths ... 
He will be in every moment for us.  

{{{ PS ... 2014 will bring about the 30-50-K -- be sure to check back in for more posts }}}

1 comment:

Doris said...

I enjoyed reading about your year both the first time as it was happening, and in review =)God is good! I pray for many blessings to be yours in 2014. I am so blessed to have met you through your blog!