Monday, August 12, 2013

The Game We Play While the Kids are Away

Last week the 'Joe family was at the beach ... not for a vacation, but for a military conference that 'Joe had to attend.  Mrs 'Joe had a few meetings to attend, but she was mostly on children-duty.  Small standard hotel room with a preschooler and a toddler ... oh yeah, and she had lost her voice a couple of days before leaving.  Pretty stressful trip, but one that would bring about a possible time-frame of 'Joe's release from his CBWTU (Community Based Warrior Transition Unit) which he has been in since last July upon his release from Walter Reed.  So for the next few weeks, they are still in a  "hurry up and wait" hold with setting up more appointments before his release from his past 18 months of medical orders.

Before they left, Lucy & I decided to play the game that she & her Mommy normally play when they are apart for any day trips -- the picture traveling game.  Lucy had her stuffed animal Fozzi Bear from The Muppets and I had the stuffed animal Lady from Disney's Lady and the Tramp movie.  We would exchange pictures and text messages on our adventures during the week.  
And at the end of the week, Lady & Fozzi ... along with Lucy & her grandparents (and Tag too!) would be reunited.  

So, here's how the week went...

Saying good-bye last Sunday morning -- I knew I was going to miss this girl!

Lady had some chores she wanted me to get done.  So that meant 
no "fun time" for Granny -- it was all house cleaning and catching up on much needed errands & working out.  Lady made sure Granny got some cleaning accomplished that I normally just cannot get done with 2 little distractions at home.

And she really missed Lucy & Tag -- not quite as much as Granny & Grandad missed the little ones though. 

But I think Lucy & Fozzi had the best time ... 
just look at these pictures Granny got ---

Fancy breakfast at the Inn the 'Joes stayed at ...

Fun at a pretty much private beach ... 

Of course a breakfast from McDonald's too!

And then Grandad & Granny took a little day trip on Thursday to see our grands ...
and we sure missed them!

The 'Joe family got home on Friday afternoon and our house has been filled with 
non-stop laughter, chaos and fun since!

PS -- the next several weeks will bring about some major transitions for the 'Joe family.  
Your continued prayers are always appreciated as this young Wounded Warrior family 
continues their journey to see what God has planned for their lives.  
Still many unknowns ahead ... 
but God is definitely the Commander of this family.

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