Thursday, September 20, 2012

Sheltered in the Rain

As I went out to run my errands this morning, I expected to find my Philips, Craig & Dean CD in my car.  
I hit the "on" button ... 
this is what I heard ... 
this is what I cried to ... 
this is what I needed.  

Mrs. 'Joe had borrowed my car yesterday to pick the princess up from preschool & had changed the CDs ... 
as God was speaking to her yesterday, He knew that her Mother would need this comfort this morning.

Don't you just love it when God gives us what we need even when we don't know we need it?  
His grace is more than sufficient ... 
His grace is everything.  
And I'm so very thankful that my daughter listened to Him yesterday to receive His promise ... 
and that allowed me to receive His promise when I needed it most.

I hope this will bring His promise to you this morning & for the moments to come.  
We never know how our little action of obedience will bring blessings to others.

 God is always good ... 
He is always holding us ... 
even in the rain.

1 comment:

Doris said...

What a beautiful song. I listened to it twice. Thanks for sharing it...and for your heart touching post! Blessings to you today!